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Our Mission
The PAS Difference

Psychological Assessment Solutions (PAS) is a Metro Washington, DC based organization. Owned and operated by clinicians, PAS specializes in comprehensive psychological assessments and therapeutic interventions for children, adolescents, and adults locally and internationally.

The PAS mission is to promote excellence in interventions, assessments, and technological advancement in mental health care and educational achievement. This is accomplished by working with organizations, schools, parents, and direct clients to identify emotional and situational barriers. PAS also develops solutions to overcome these barriers as well as building upon strengths for achieving success. 

An important focus of PAS is development of best practices and systems for effective tele-mental health locally and internationally with expats and their families. Privacy and confidentiality are critical and maintained by fully HIPAA compliant technology.


Comprehensive Assessments
and Interventions
Different Students 
Require Different
Approaches to Learning

At PAS, we understand that educational, behavioral, and/or clinical problems are often multifaceted in nature. To better address issues related to these problems, PAS utilizes a biopsychosocial model to explain problems and identify effective solutions. Within this perspective, potential influences from family history, school or work environment, and interpersonal relations are examined. 

Our Clinicians Blend
 with Your School and Organizational Culture

When providing services within an organization or school program, PAS clinicians assume a role that blends in with the multidisciplinary culture. This allows an increased ease of collaboration with the key personnel who are vested in the the projects. However, PAS clinicians can provide private assessments to families or organizations seeking timely and comprehensive work focused on individual growth and success as the factors for measuring outcomes.

Utilizing comprehensive assessment techniques and focused therapeutic interventions, PAS works to effectively investigate educational and life-skills concerns and modify negative behaviors associated with: 


  • Depression

  • ADHD

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Intellectual Disability

  • Autism & Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Anger Management

  • Poor Performance in School

  • Adjustment Difficulties

  • Daily Functional Living


© 2024 by PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT SOLUTIONS. All rights reserved.        ï»¿

T 202.796.8727  / 5680 King Centre Drive, Suite 600, Alexandria, VA 22315 

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